InterParents (IP) is the association of the 13 Parents’ Associations of the European Schools (Alicante, Bergen, Brussels I, II, II & IV, Frankfurt, Karlsruhe, Luxembourg II & II, Mol, Munchen and Varese).

InterParents is a volunteer-driven association acting in the interest of the parents with children at the European Schools. InterParents is composed of two members nominated by the local Parents Associations (at least 26 members) and directed by an executive bureau composed of a president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary and deputy-secretary.

InterParents formally represents the Parents’ Associations on so many levels with: the enlarged Board of Governors (BoG), its preparatory committees (Budgetary Committee and Join Teaching Committee) and working groups, the Office of the Secretary General of the European Schools (OSGES), the European Commission and various stakeholder groups. InterParents participates in these committees and groups through its delegates and in several decisions IP has the right to vote.

InterParents meets regularly to guarantee ad-hoc exchange of information, experience and cooperation between the associations on all topics related to European Schools system. These include: school programmes, foreign language teaching, the reform of the European Baccalaureate, the status of locally recruited teachers, Brexit, children with special educational needs and those without a language section (SWALS), the learning support programmes, the school budgetary crisis, etc.

The two representatives for the ESF PA are Floriana Grimaldi and Mariella Spata.

More detailed information on InterParents’ activities can be found at