

Dear Football Enthusiasts

Registration for the football tournament has now been closed as we are at maximum capacity. Priority will be given to those who registered first (one team per class/section) and paid the registration fee. We will let you know as soon as we can review all the registrations and confirm via email your registration. If there are remaining spots open we will re-open registration on a per class basis.

Thank you

Summerfest 2019 Committee



Register Here

Again this year the legendary Primary Soccer Tournament will take place, organized by the Fischers and their team! We ask all P1-P5 classes to build teams and to register. Girls and Boys are welcome! Note: due to popular demand the P1 will have their own mini tournament in the indoor sports hall. P2-P5 will compete outside on the field.
We start at 11:30h, with a 7-minute rhythm. If possible, depending on the registrations, the tournament team will organize 2 tournaments for P2-P5 (P2 vs. P3 and P4 vs. P5). We will be finished around 17:30h. The P1 tournament ends around 14:00h. That ensures that the teams will have enough time to enjoy the other attractions at the Summerfest.

For registration we need the class and language section and maybe a team name. A team consists of 5 players including the goal keeper, but there should be no less than 7 players available. We have sufficient vests available to mark the teams. If teams want to come in their own colours, please let us know. 
Please note this year a registration fee is requested in the amount of 35 € per team to cover fees from organisers. The fee will be refunded in case the tournament is cancelled. Deadline is 8 June. The number of teams is limited to one team per class and language section, i.e. one class can only nominate one team. For SWALS having multiple sections on one team this is acceptable also. Time and place are limited, which is why we will consider registrations on a first-come, first-serve basis. The maximum number of teams for the P2-P5 event is 24, for P1 8 teams.
Registration fee should be sent via IBAN to Elternverein der Europäischen Schule Frankfurt e.V.
Account: DE89 5005 0201 0200 4144 10
Comments: Registration Primary Soccer-PX-XX (ex. P3-ENA, P5-IT) and your team name please.
Registration will not be considered complete and accepted until payment is made please.

Important: Please name a contact person with a mobile phone number and e-mail address for each team on the doodle. On the day of the tournament please be either at outside sports field (P2-P5) or at the indoor sports hall in primary building (P1) ten minutes before the game starts. We will send out tournament schedules by June 15 so that parent-coaches can plan their afternoon.

If you have any questions, please contact
Thank you
The Summerfest Soccer Team and the ESF Parents' Association
Published: 28 April 2019 28 April 2019
Hits: 1192 1192